The list of accredited lenders continues to grow, with over 80 now listed on The British Business Bank web site, as at 8th June 2020.
(The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (for loans from £2k to £50k, has far fewer accredited lenders, listed here, again, as at 8th June 2020)
One aspect that remains frustrating, certainly for their customers, is the absence of Handelsbanken from either list. A number of sources suggest appropriate applications have been made, but no approval has been given.
This gives a real problem to a number of their customers seeking support but having to go to other lenders, many of whom will only help, understandably, their own customers.
looking at some of the lenders with accreditation, its amazing Handelsbanken still missing
Finally, 2nd July 2020, Handelsbanken now an accredited CBILS provider.